Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Westcott Venture Park pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). Westcott Venture Park is owned by Patrizia, a company registered in England with a company number OC331498 and with registered office at 24 Endell Street, London, WC2H 9HQ

Patrizia is committed to practices that respect human rights in all our business dealings and relationships. We take steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not occur within our business or supply chain. Patrizia is a professional services firm, and we consider the risk of modern slavery occurring within our business to be low.


  • Our policies reflect our zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking. Our whistleblowing policy promotes the reporting of modern slavery concerns and provides protection for any employees that do so. Employees are informed of the policy at induction.


  • Patrizia is committed to ensuring that all our people, including onsite contractors, are paid fairly for the work that they do. We expect our outsourced providers to do the same.


  • We comply with relevant employment legislation.


  • We expect our suppliers to comply with the relevant legislation for their business and our procurement process includes verification of their compliance programmes. Checks on relevant suppliers on contract renewal aimed at detecting slavery, servitude, forced labour or human trafficking in our supply chain are also completed.

Our ongoing commitment

Our commitment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not occur in our supply chain remains a priority.

This statement has been approved by the firm’s Directors.

© 2024 Westcott Venture Park